
Phuket is well known for its world class beach destinations with entralling white sands, comatose palm trees, sparkling seas and cheerful towns. It has lot of historical beauties, mindboggling viewpoints and paradigmatic cultural attractions.

One of the best place to visit in phuket is kata beach as it has great options of fine dining and restaurants, excellent shopping options, sports activities, amazing viewpoints, surfing etc.

Another cultural attraction in phuket is big buddha which is very peaceful place in itself as the only sound you will hear there will be of tinkling small bells and tremble of yellow buddhist flags.

Bangla road in Patong beach is known for its Nighlife as it becomes a 400 metre festival of neon lights, loud music and cheap beer.

Another attraction for people who are looking for adventure is phi phi island as you can discover scuba diving, shark watching tours. This island is very popular amongst celebrities as well.

So, all-in-all phuket is a mixture of great historical monuments,cultural attractions, beaches and aquamarine life experiences.

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