
“ Once I am independent, I am going to travel the world”

Then after getting a job,

“ Yes! My first Salary. Let me buy some stuff for my family, then I will start saving money in the next month.”

2nd month

“ Oh my God, after all the bills, I have some penny left. How am I going to save?”

3rd month

“ Oh I like that bag so much! Maybe I should postpone saving”

And the saga continues...

We all struggle in our life, frustrated of wanting a break from all the work. We ponder about it. But we never try to put effort in it. We just make excuses to ourselves while there are many who hit the road, roam around the world and upload it on social media.

Grabbing a coffee at our workplace, scrolling through our social media and getting jealous of those Instagram pictures of friends and travelers, is all we are left with.

Every start of the month we start with a planning. Failing in the mid way,  and no road ahead. Just like a diet plan.

So here I will try to put the light on facts that we do, and how to realize and stop it.

Expectation :-  Dreaming about activities

Expecting a good trip

Reality: This is the only activity that we are left with

Resting in the office

Expectation; Planning your budget

Setting budget
Budget Gif

Reality; Buying an expensive scarf because you liked the color.

funny gif
funny gif

Expectations: Eliminating unnecessary items, planning the budget sheet

budget sheet plan
budget sheet plan

Reality : Getting Alcohol

alcohol gif


food gif
food gif


Gym subscription
Gym subscriptions

Ways to save your Budget:-

  • Stop unnecessary subscription:

We pay bills for our tv or apps etc, which we don’t use regularly. Cut it off and use that money to your savings.

'I want to cancel my subscription to the world wildlife fund.'
‘I want to cancel my subscription to the world wildlife fund.’
  • Sell you’re the items u don’t need:

Those ancient books since 300 years on the corner of your shelves, can be used by someone else. Share your knowledge and sell it on websites. Or your clothes.

selling items
selling items
  • Set milestones.

Don’t be a lazy panda and start setting small tasks regularly. Eating out is only going to make you round, not a zero! And it might make your savings Zero. So switch to home- made food and be healthy.

Homemade food
Homemade food
  • Transfer it into Savings

If you’re mind is sensitive to clothes and stuff, then go for an automated transfer. Try to put those extra spending into the savings and use it  for your trip. You will thank yourself later.

Savings Account
Savings account
  • Try to research on tips :

For best benefits, do research on various ways of saving money. And you can take the advice of the travelers who already been to trips.

Research on Tips
Research on Tips

There are various things that are unnecessary. It just stands in the middle of our dream of traveling. Just start efficiently and know what you are doing. Maybe next time it won’t be you scrolling through the feeds, but getting notifications on your pics of travel!

“Work, Travel, Save, Repeat”

Image and Gif Souces:Google

About The Author

TravelToogle delivers tailor-made holidays & helps plan & customize international vacations

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